Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

On the Compliance of Designated Establishments (DE)
1. We are an Enterprise company that consists of Type 1 and Type 2 DEs. Can we employ only one (1) Energy Manager for our facilities? - An Energy Efficiency (EE) Professional can handle multiple establishments provided that each establishment will assign appropriate EEC Professionals depending on their DE type.
- As stipulated in the EEC Act, type 2 DEs should employ Certified Energy Managers (CEM) and Certified Energy Conservation Officers for Type 1 DEs.
- You can hire one (1) CEM and one (1) CECO to handle all your Type 2 and Type 1 DEs respectively.
2. We are a commercial building with multiple tenants. Each tenant has its own submeters, are Designated Establishments (DEs) identified per submeters? Or as a whole establishment? DEs are identified per establishment. The manner of reporting will depend on the metering of the said establishment. So for example, if a commercial establishment has submeters for tenants and separate submeters for the common areas, they can report their consumption as:

Common Area - _____kWh
Tenant Area - _____kWh

However, there are buildings that have only one (1) main meter, in this case, the establishment can opt to report their total consumption.
3. Where can we find the list of Recognized Training Institutions for the certification of our Energy Efficiency (EE) Professionals? As of 25 July 2022, the following are the Recognized Training Institutions:

1. Meralco Power Academy
2. PAMAV Training Institute and Technology Center, Inc.

The registry of CEM, CECO, CEA, RTIs, and FPCS will be posted on the DOE website soon.
4. How to submit this year's Energy Audit Requirements? - You may submit Energy Audit Report via the link:
5. Where can we submit our application for Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Conservation Officer (CECO), and Certified Energy Auditor (CEA)? - Kindly refer to the following links for the pertinent documents and submission links for the application for CEM, CEA, and CECO:

Certified Energy Manager
- Application for the Certification of Energy Manager (
- Application for the Recognition of Training Institutions for CEM (
- CEM Files:

Certified Energy Conservation Officer
- Application for the Certification of Energy Conservation Officer (
- CECO Files:

Certified Energy Auditor
- Application for the Certification of Energy Auditor (
- Application for the Recognition of Training Institutions for CEA (
- CEA Files:, for your reference.
6. Where can we submit our application for our EE project for Fiscal Incentives? - As stipulated in Annex B - submission guidelines of DC2022-03-0004 or the Guidelines for the Endorsement of EE Projects to the BOI for Fiscal Incentives”. All applications, together with the required documents, should be submitted through e-mail: Kindly take note that submissions made through other e-mail addresses will not be deemed official by the DOE.
7. Do we need to apply first for Certification before our DE can submit a report? Or is it the other way around? - Application for Certification of EE professionals can be simultaneously done with the submission of annual consumption reports of DEs.
8. Who are the authorized entities to conduct energy audits? - The following are the DOE-authorized entities to conduct energy audits:

1. Energy Service Companies
2. Certified Energy Auditors (either outsourced or internal)

Energy Audit conducted by entities other than aforementioned will not be recognized as formal compliance.
9. Does a Certified Energy Manager applicant need a type 2 DE to be able to apply for certification? - Yes, as stipulated under DC2022-03-0008 or the Energy Manager Certification Process, the applicant for CEM should secure an endorsement from a Type 2 DE endorsing his/her as their CEM.
10. Noting that the deadline for submission of Annual Energy Consumption Reports is extended up to 31 May 2022, can we still submit annual energy reports until now? - In consideration of companies having difficulties collating the 5-year backtracking data, the DOE online submission portal is still open for late submissions. However, we encourage you to consolidate your data and submit your reports right away to avoid the imposition of penalties.
11. We already have created an account in the online submission link:, how do we know if the DOE already received our submission? - The submission status can be viewed under “Your Designated Establishment” on the respective accounts of each DEs.
12. If I am a freelance Energy Manager that would like to apply for certification as a CEM, Do I still need to submit an endorsement from a DE? - Yes, as stipulated under DC2022-03-0008 or the Energy Manager Certification Process, the applicant for CEM should secure an endorsement from a Type 2 DE endorsing his/her as their CEM.

We suggest for you secure an endorsement letter by finding a client first, before applying to the DOE for certification.
13. Our establishment was not able to submit the required energy audit report on 31 December 2022, can we still submit it? - As stipulated in the issued Energy Audit Guidelines ( , should the DEs already engage the services of a CEA or an ESCO but the conduct of the actual audit will not be feasible within CY 2022, the DE shall inform DOE in writing and formally request for an extension.

All requests for an extension on the submission of the energy audit reports shall likewise be formally requested to the DOE with attached justification and the same shall be subjected to the evaluation and approval of the DOE.
14. What level of Energy Audit should we undertake? - As stipulated in the issued Energy Audit Guidelines ( , Level 1 Energy Audit shall initially be accepted by the DOE for compliance of first-time reporting DEs. However, DOE is enjoining DEs to submit a Level 2 Energy Audit for future compliances. All audit reports shall have assessments accompanied by audit evidence, identified and acceptable energy efficiency programs for continual improvement. Submissions must strictly follow the requirements under the 24 November 2022 You may refer to this link for the copy of the mentioned Advisory on Energy Audit Guidelines for DEs:
On the Department Circular No. DC2022-03-0004 or the Guidelines for the Endorsement of Energy Efficiency Strategic Investments to the Board of Investments for Fiscal Incentives
1. What is an EESI? - EESI are investments made in any enterprise organized or existing under the laws of the Philippines consistent with the Strategic Investments Priority Plan (SIPP) of the Board of Investments.
2. How do we determine the qualifications of an EESI? - The qualifications of EESI may be found under Section 5 of DOE Department Circular No. DC2022-03-0004.
3. Where will I submit my application documents? - Due to the current situation, all the required documents shall submit via online through the email:
4. How many working days in processing the application for EESI? - The timeline of processing application for EESI is 20 working days.
5. Where will I pay the application fee for ESSI? - The DOE-EPMPD will forward the Order of Payment (OR) via email to the individual upon the completeness of the submitted documents. The twenty-five thousand pesos (Php 25,000.00) application fee for your EESI endorsement can be paid through the following:

• DOE Treasury Division
• Over the counter payment at the bank nearest to the applicant;
• Online bank transfer; or,
• Wire Transfer/Telegraphic Transfer - Bank charges shall be in the account of the payer.
On the Department Circular No. DC2022-03-0006 or the Adoption of Training Regulations Certification Process for Energy Auditors (EA)
1. What is an Energy Auditor (EA)? - Energy Auditors or EA refers to an individual or entity with proven credibility and competence to conduct an energy audit.
2. How do we determine the qualifications of an EA? - At least one (1) year of continuous experience on energy audits.
3. Is EA required to register with the DOE? - The EAs is required to register with the DOE - Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB).
4. Where will I submit my application documents? - Due to the current situation, all the required documents shall submit via online through this link:
5. Is it required to be a licensed engineer to apply as Energy Auditor? - No. As long as the individual has proof of experience such Certificate of Project Completion, Endorsement Letter, or any document that will support the claim on the proof of experience, and list of conducted Internal or External Audit Reports together with the corresponding Energy Reports and Training relative to Energy Audit, the individual can apply as Certified Energy Auditor.
6. How many working days in processing the application for CEA? - The timeline of processing application for CEA is 7 working days.
7. Where will I pay the application fee for CEA? - The DOE-EPMPD will forward the Order of Payment (OP) via email to the individual upon the completeness of the submitted documents. The one thousand pesos (Php 1,000.00) application fee for your EA certification can be paid through the following:

• DOE Treasury Division
• Over the counter payment at the bank nearest to the applicant;
• Online bank transfer; or,
• Wire Transfer/Telegraphic Transfer - Bank charges shall be in the account of the payer.
8. Is there penalties for non-designation of EA? - All Designated Establishments are required to comply and register their EAs consistent pending the issuance of the training modules and curricula.

Question Offenses under the DC2021-01-0001 which is subject to penalties ranging from P 10,000 to 20,000 with possible revocation of certification and blacklisting.
9. Is the certification of the CEA contingent upon the organization they represent? - No. The Certification is based on meeting the qualifications. As long as the qualifications are met, the certification will follow.
10. Should the EA change employers, will certification be valid? - Yes. The Certification is conferred on the individual and not the DE.
11. Can a person be CECO, CEM, or EA at the same time? - Yes. As long as the qualifications are complied with an individual that can hold certifications for ECO, EM, and EA.
On the Department Circular No. DC2022-03-0007 or the Adoption of Training Regulations for the Certification of Energy Conservation Officers (ECO)
1. How do we determine the qualifications of an ECO? - The ECO must have at least two (2) years of continuous hands-on experience in the installation, operation, and maintenance of energy-consuming machines and equipment in facilities with energy consumption for Type 1 Designated Establishments (DE).
2. What is the procedure for the application for CECO? - Submission Guidelines are available in Annex C of DC2022-03-0007. You may access the guidelines through this link:
3. Where can I submit my application for ECO? - All interested applicants shall submit the required documents via online submission through this link:
4. For establishments categorized under “Other DE's”, do they still need to have EA, EM, & ECOs? - Under MC2020-05-0001, employment of EA, EM, and ECOs is mandatory for Type 1 and Type 2 Designated Establishments. For Other Designated Establishments, this is only encouraged and not mandated.
5. Can a Type 2 DE employ a CECO? - No, it is the obligation of a Type 2 DE to employ a CEM as stated in part III.7 of MC2020-05-0001. However, if the applicant is handling another Type 1 DE, the applicant can apply for CECO provided that the applicant has an endorsement letter from the Type 1 DE.
6. What are the DOE-recognized training institutions (RTI) for ECO? - Currently, there are no DOE-RTIs for ECO yet. However, upon re-certification, applicants are required to complete the common and core competencies under the Training Regulations (TR) for CECO pursuant to DC2022-03-0007.
7. What if I am employed in an ESCO-DOE Certified company and applying for a CECO Certification? - The requirements are the same. The Applicant must secure an endorsement letter from a Type 1 Designated Establishment designating him/her as their ECO.
8. Where will I pay the application fee for CECO? - The DOE-EPMPD will forward the Order of Payment (OP) via email to the individual upon the completeness of the submitted documents. The one thousand pesos (Php 1,000.00) application fee for your ECO certification can be paid through the following:

• DOE Treasury Division
• Over the counter payment at the bank nearest to the applicant;
• Online bank transfer; or,
• Wire Transfer/Telegraphic Transfer - Bank charges shall be in the account of the payer.
9. Where can I send an inquiry related to the application for CECO? - The applicant may send an inquiry to
10. When is the deadline for Certification of Energy Conservation Officers (CECO)? - All non-certified energy manager and/or energy conservation officers shall comply on the certification requirements not later than 31 December 2023. Pending to the issuance of accreditation procedure for training institutions by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), applying energy conservation officers may take the energy manager's training being provided by the DOE's Recognized Training Institutions (RTI's). Certification qualification, requirements, and process for ECO shall still take effect upon application to the DOE.
On the Department Circular No. DC2022-03-0008 or the Adoption of Training Regulations and Prescribing Certification for Training Institutions and Energy Managers (EMs)
1. We appointed our Energy Manager last 2021 via DOE provided google link. Does our Energy Manager need to undertake this certification still? - Yes. It is the obligation of the DE to employ a CEM (process the certification of their designated EM) as stated in part III.7 of MC2020-05-0001, “Employ a CECO for Type 1 designated establishments, and a CEM for Type 2 designated establishments. The CECO and the CEM may be chosen from within the organization or hired through external recruitment”, hence an endorsement letter from them for their compliance to the said MC is a requirement.

- As stipulated on Department Circular No. DC2020-03-0008, “Adoption of Training Regulations and Prescribing Certification Process for Training Institutions and Energy Managers (EMs)”, an Energy Manager under designated establishment should comply on the said DC as signed by ex-Secretary Cusi on 17 March 2022 with effectivity on 28 April 2022.
2. What should we include in the Endorsement Letter as required under DC2022-03-0008? - Excerpt from DC2022-03-0008 or the Energy Manager Certification Process, applicants should secure an endorsement letter from a Type 2 Designated Establishment indicating that you will be acting as their Energy Manager. Moreover, it should include the duties and responsibilities of the current position of an applicant.
3. What are acceptable documents in compliance with the proof of experience under DC2022-03-0008? - Pursuant to Section 8.5 of DC2022-03-0008, the applicant must submit a proof of experience duly signed by the HR management head or similar signatory indicating all duties and responsibilities of his/her current position.
4. Do we have to submit a certified true copy of the documents? - Section 8.3 of DC2022-03-0008, provides a Certified True Copy (CTC) of Transcript of Records, PRC License, and Diploma.

- A handwritten/computerized "Certified True Copy" with your signature over the printed name would suffice.
5. Is PRC License required for CEM applicants? - Excerpt from Section 8.2 of DC2022-03-0008, CTC of PRC License (if applicable)
6. What are the qualifications of CEM? - Section 20 (f) of the EEC Act directed the submission of the Annual Energy Efficiency and Conservation Report (EECR) to the DOE by the 15th of April of every year for Designated Establishments (DE) based on the following energy consumption threshold, provided for in Section 19 of the same Act:

1. Type 1 DEs with an annual energy consumption of 500,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) to 4,000,000 kWh for the previous year; and
2. Type 2 DEs with an annual energy consumption of more than 4,000,000 kWh for the previous year.

- The DE Online Submission Portal where you will be submitting your Energy Consumption Reports can be accessed through this link:
7. Where can we request for a copy of the documents for EM application? - All applications for EM can access the documents thru the doe website
8. We do not have qualified EM in our current workforce, can we hire a third party service provider? - Yes. Excerpt from Part 3.7 of MC2020-05-0001, employ a CECO for Type 1 designated establishments, and a CEM for Type 2 designated establishments. The CECO and the CEM may be chosen from within the organization or hired through external recruitment.
9. When is the deadline for Certification of Energy Managers? - All non-certified energy manager and/or energy conservation officers shall comply on the certification requirements not later than 31 December 2023. Pending to the issuance of accreditation procedure for training institutions by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), applying energy conservation officers may take the energy manager's training being provided by the DOE's Recognized Training Institutions (RTI's). Certification qualification, requirements, and process for ECO shall still take effect upon application to the DOE.
On the Department Circular No. DC2022-04-0013 or the Adoption on the Certification Guidelines for Energy Audit conducted by Firm, Partnership, Corporation, and Sole Proprietorship (FPCS)
1. What is an FPCS? - FPCS are entities that provide energy auditing services through their pool of Certified Energy Auditors (CEA).
2. What are the requirements of an FPCS? - Manpower for Energy Audits must only be CEA.
3. Are FPCS required to register with the DOE? - FPCS are required to register with the DOE - Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB).
4. Where will I submit my application documents? - Due to the current situation, all the required documents shall submit via online through this link:
5. Are Registered/Certified Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) required to register as FPCS? - No. As long as the conduct of energy audit is included in the primary/secondary purpose/s or the main line of business as proven by the corporate/legal documents and provided further that the registration/certification as an ESCO is still valid.
6. How many working days in processing the application for FPCS? - The timeline of processing the application for FPCS is 20 working days.
7. Where will I pay the application fee for FPCS? - The DOE-EPMPD will forward the Order of Payment (OR) via email to the individual upon the completeness of the submitted documents. The ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00) application fee for your FPCS registration can be paid through the following:

• DOE Treasury Division
• Over the counter payment at the bank nearest to the applicant;
• Online bank transfer; or,
• Wire Transfer/Telegraphic Transfer - Bank charges shall be in the account of the payer.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you have a general user guidelines on how to use the website? Below are the guidelines we have:
• For user: DE-Portal-System-User-Guide.pdf
2. Where can we read the full Data Privacy Act of 2012? The full Data Privacy Act of 2012 can be accessed in here: Data-Privacy-Act.pdf
3. Do you have introductory video explainer for the website?